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Conversations are threads of messages between collaborators with the purpose to advance through the Process Design or to finish a Validation.

The Conversations window can be open from the Review Session Ribbon

It shows the list of all current conversations. The show data related to each conversation is:

  • Highlighted Localisation data (Process, Phase, Condition, Engineering Item)

  • Subject

  • Author - that opened the conversation

  • Last sent message

  • Status (open or closed topic)

  • Localisation button - it will automatically navigate towards the commented entity (Process, Phase, Engineering Item in Phase, Condition, etc.

  • More options button - options to Locate or to Open/Close the topic

Click on any conversation to open it:

Type any message to put it in the chat. The text input has Intelligent Suggestions and Text Highlighting, as well as the existing messages are highlighted:

Type “@” to mention any collaborator:

Right click any message to reply to it:

Create new Conversation

To Create a new conversation Press the “+” button in the bottom right of the window.

Provide the subject and the commented entity. If the entity you are trying to comment about is not in the list, ensure you navigate to it. The list shows you the following:

  • Active Process (if any)

  • Active Phase (if any)

  • Active Condition (if any)

  • Selected Engineering Item's Status in the Active Phase (if any)

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