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Equipment Module

An Equipment Module represents a set of Engineering Items which under a specific visual and functional form will repeat over the same of other PIDs within a Host Project.

The usage of EMs is recommended where it is possible, as it boosts up the process defining time, as well as it structures the information even further.

Equipment Modules are not necessary to be used, the alternative is to manually assign a state to each valve instead of setting the whole module at once.

One Equipment Module can have Module States which you can use to set a state to each Engineering Item in that EM with one click.

Example: EM_01 has two valves: VM-1A1, and VP-1A2.
EM_01 has the Module State ‘isolated’ which means that both VM-1A1 and VM-1A1 are closed.
EM_01 has the Module State ‘draining’ which means that VM-1A1 is open, and VP-1A2 is closed.

But to optimize the work, we observe that one Equipment Module does not appear only once. Thus, they will share some information, and the example above becomes more complex in the following.

Equipment Module Template

One Equipment Module represents one physical instance defined by some valves. But when you have more similar parts in the PID, there are more Equipment Modules following the exact same possible behaviour. Thus, all of them fall under the same Equipment Module Template. That means they share the same structure and the same Module States, but they use different Engineering Items.

Example: EM_Template is a template that has two items: C1, and C2.
EM_Template has the Module State ‘isolated’ which means that both C1 and C2 are closed.
EM_Template has the Module State ‘draining’ which means that C1 is open, and C2 is closed.

There are 2 Equipment Modules using this template:
EM_01 using EM_T where C1 is VM-1A1 and C2 is VP-1A2
EM_02 using EM_T where C1 is VP-2B1 and C2 is VP-2B2

Observe that an Equipment Module is an assignment over the Template’s components to some Engineering Items.

Module Configuration

A Module Configuration is an assignment of a Template’s components to common States and Percentages.

Example: ‘isolated’ is a Module State over the template EM_Template which assigns C1 to closed and C2 to closed.

User Interface

In the following we will exemplify only with the situation described above (EMs EM_01 and EM_02 following Template EM_T with Items C1 and C2 and configurations isolated and draining.

The two access points to create and edit Equipment Modules are the Module Data and the Equipment Module Ribbon.

They provide access to create and edit Equipment Modules, Create and edit Templates, and finally Create and Edit Configurations for these Templates.

Equipment Modules User Interface

The EMs collection window lists all the EMs within your Module. Click or right click to Edit or Delete any equipment module. Press the “+” button on the bottom right of the window to create a new EM.

EM collections window

Once you are in the EM Editor, you can change the name, and the linked template. The template will define how many Engineering Item parts will be in this EM, and it will decide which configurations are possible.

EM Editor

If there are no templates listed in the Templates drop down, press “All Templates” to open the templates collection window to create new ones and to edit them. See further below for these steps.

By choosing the Template for the EM, you will see the items which the Template features

EM_01 linked with EM_T template

Click each of them to select the Engineering Item to bind it with:

To follow the example defined at the very beginning of this article, we will also show the EM_02 example:

Templates User Interface

The EM Templates collection window lists all the EM Templates within your Module. Click or right click to Edit or Delete any template. Press the “+” button on the bottom right of the window to create a new Template.

EM Templates window

Once you are in the EM Template Editor, you can change the name, the Items, and the Configurations.

EM Template Editor

Using the Add Item button we created 2 items (C1 and C2):

Right click any Item to rename it or to delete it.

Note: The best way to add configurations is using Equipment Module Ribbon but only after you created the equipment module entirely and linked it to the Template.

Alternative to create new configuration you can use the Add Configuration button in the window, but this will be an empty configuration with no actual values (there are written “-” in every position), which you will have to update from the Equipment Module Ribbon later on anyway:

two configurations created from the window with no values

Right click any Configuration to rename, delete, or change it’s colour

By selecting any of the VM-1A1 or VP-1A2 in AutoCAD, the Equipment Module Ribbon will now become visible, and you are able to set the configurations:

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