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AseptSoft Workflow

This tutorial is a summary of the entire documentation. It can help to understand the steps of using AseptSoft, and the order of these steps.

  1. The first time you install AseptSoft, the First time setup needs to be performed. Please contact the AseptSoft team, as we can fully support you with this step, and you don’t need to dig into the technicalities of these settings.

The AseptSoft team fully supports you with this step. You don’t need to know it. The description of this step is just for informative purposes.

  1. For each new drawing, you might like to apply some Visual Optimizations, in order to get the best out of the Engineering Items colouring, and the Fluidstream Simulations.

  2. The AseptSoft Project Workflow will help you go through all the steps you need since you start a new project, until it is finished.

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