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Export Dialogs to Excel

The tabular Dialogs export is one of the Excel tabular exports containing all the Dialogs of the current Module.


  • Name

  • Title

  • Description

  • Buttons

  • Checkboxes

  • Radiobuttons

  • Textboxes

  • Number inputs

  • Float number inputs

Excel tabular exports data association

  • There is one Worksheet used by AseptSoft identified by the name “Dialogs”.

  • The dominant column is “Name”.

  • Any other column is any of the other Columns.

  • Each row is a Dialog.

Excel tabular exports options

This export type makes use of the following options:

  • Worksheet Creation option

  • Row Creation option

  • Row Reorder option

  • Row Deletion option

This export type does not use the following options:

  • Workbook Deletion option

  • Worksheet Deletion option

  • Worksheet Reorder option

  • Column Creation option

  • Column Reorder option

  • Column Deletion option

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