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File System

Note: The Folders in the file system tree are written in Bold.
The Files in the file system tree below are written Italic and Underlined.

AseptSoft stores all the information under the following file system:

AseptSoft Project

  • host project location (varies depending on platform: AutoCAD or Plant3D)

    • database.aseptsoft

      • PIDs databases (AutoCAD basic): store information about the classification and recreated Tags of each drawing. They have the name <PID name>.aseptsoftdrawingdb

      • Branches folders: main, user1, user2 … stores the work of each branch

        • AseptSoftDatabase.aseptsoftprojdb: Stores the list of AseptSoft Modules for each of the PIDs in the Project. Also stores Backup ing information about the entities in the PIDs

        • Modules databases: files with the extension .aseptsoftdb which contain all the information of a project: Processes, Phases, Valves, States, etc

        • <Module>.pulls: the merging history from any other module, template or commit

          • relative path to the source module: the first folder contains a number representing how many folders you go backwards in the hierarchy, followed by a sequence of subfolders representing the relative path from that point to the source. Inside the last subfolder three is a file copy of the destination created right after the moment of the last update. This file is used as a pivot parent to check what has been changed in each module since the last update. The Parent, Source, Destination are compared to identify conflicts.
            Also, an .log file defines the log of the last update created from that source

        • Commits

          • Modules Folders - each containing the commits of that Project

            • databases with the extension .aseptsoftdb contain commits of the work saved at different moments

        • Exports/Module Name

User ApplicationData

  • %appdata%/AseptSoft - the user’s ApplicationData folder

    • ModuleDataTemplates - contains a list of .aseptsoftdb daatabases, to store and import from states, fluid flow states, parameters and variables

    • Settings

      • database.aseptsoft

        • AseptSoftApplicationDatabase.aseptsoftappdb - stores user settings. Most of the settings are automatically assigned. If you need custom settings, or custom settings editors, contact us.

    • Host Platform name - a folder with the name of the host platform (Autodesk AutoCAD or Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D)

      • ClassesDefinitions

        • database.aseptsoft

      • ExportTemploates

        • DialogsExportTemplate.vsdx - template to be edited to customize Dialogs export.

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