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0-9 ... 0 A ... 8 B ... 2 C ... 3 D ... 1 E ... 16
F ... 4 G ... 0 H ... 1 I ... 5 J ... 0 K ... 0
L ... 1 M ... 4 N ... 2 O ... 0 P ... 7 Q ... 0
R ... 3 S ... 4 T ... 3 U ... 1 V ... 3 W ... 0
X ... 0 Y ... 0 Z ... 0 !@#$ ... 0    



Page: AddIn Ribbon
image-20230510-082309.png The AddIn Ribbon Tab belongs to AutoCAD. It contains information about any plugins you might have installed, including AseptSoft. To visualise your Login Data and Subscriptions, press Account. Use the Support split button to reac
Page: Algorithm Design
Algorithm Represents a sequence of conditions that must be fulfilled to consider the active Phase successful and proceed to the consecutive phase. It also describes which is the next Phase to continue to. Each Phase contains one Algorithm sequence, and ea
Page: Algorithm Tracker
Automatically tracks and displays one field of the active condition and does not need to be updated by the user. But you can also click on it and then an field editing window shows up for you to update that Condition Field. Example 'Description: Fill tank
Page: Annotations
Annotations describe how the active State and Percentage of an Engineering Item will be visible as text on the PID. The Annotations Layout window can be used to chose the annotations structure. image-20230113-142714.png The options above are described as
Home page: AseptSoft Core Documentation
AseptSoft is a plugin software. That means it does not have a standalone icon to launch the application directly. Instead, you launch your favourite P&ID Design tool, and AseptSoft will automatically overlay with the host software and add functionalities
Page: AseptSoft Project Structure
AseptSoft runs as an overlay over the host(this we know from the existing confluence content) Terminology: AseptSoft Module vs AseptSoft Project vs Host Project AseptSoft will use the active project of the host and integrate with it. The most relevant inf
Page: Attributes
Represent a set of user-created key-value pairs with shared keys between the entities, but individual values. Using Attributes you can add your own properties to each type of entity. Example of attributes att_1_for_65273857.png The properties from the exa
Page: AutoSave
The module is being saved automatically together with the Host Project. AseptSoft detects the saving events of the host platform and triggers an internal AseptSoft save. In order to keep the atomicity of the module and to keep it consistent with the host


Page: Build Action Field
To easier the Action writing, instead of manually composing the actions formulas, you can use the Action Builder window. This window contains click-based user interface which assists you. The action types that this window covers are the variables assignme
Page: Build Condition Field
To easier the Condition writing, instead of manually composing the formulas, you can use the Condition Builder window. This window contains click-based user interface which assists you. image-20230106-122453.png The window is divided in the following area


Page: Commits and Branches
You can make use of parallel threads of work called branches. Each user will automatically be checked in to his own branch having his name. There he can have multiple modules and multiple commits, each independent of the others. Also, a main branch is aut
Page: Connectors
Assigning a State to an Engineering Item is sometimes not enough to describe its behaviour. Example: A four way valve cannot be only open or closed. It has a different open/closed state to each of its endings. Connectors aim to solve this problem. Connect
Page: Conversations
Conversations are threads of messages between collaborators with the purpose to advance through the Process Design or to finish a Validation. The Conversations window can be open from the Review Session Ribbon image-20231222-104159.png It shows the list o


Page: Dialog
Dialogs are visual forms for the operators to interact with the SCADA system or any other system responsible for coordinating the process together with the operators. Dialog example image-20231215-152859.png To Create Dialogs in AseptSoft you reach the Di


Page: Engineering Item
An Engineering Item is a PID Component that represents a shape in the PID and can have a different color in each phase of the process design. Example: Valves, Tanks, Pumps, Heat Exchangers, Four Way Valves, Pulsing Valves, Percentual Valves, and Equipment
Page: Engineering Items Live viewer
Is a Live window which can be used to easier the process of finding Engineering items in the PID. It offers filters which can easier very much the work by reducing the pool of Engineering Items. image-20231221-163126.png To find any Valve or other Enginee
Page: Equipment Module
An Equipment Module represents a set of Engineering Items which under a specific visual and functional form will repeat over the same of other PIDs within a Host Project. The usage of EMs is recommended where it is possible, as it boosts up the process de
Page: Equipment Module Ribbon
image-20231215-112328.png This ribbon appears automatically when the entire selection in AutoCAD belongs to a single Equipment Module (EM). Then the ribbon binds to that specific EM and will be used to control it, and to reconfigure it. Configurations Gal
Page: Excel tabular exports
The Excel tabular export is an export type that is used in many exporting and importing functionalities of AseptSoft. Followed by: Export Processes to Excel - Tabular Export Processes to Excel - Algorithm Import/Export Parameters and Variables Export Equi
Page: Export
Export Processes as PDF or Excel, or all the types of Module Data. Cumulative exporting It is important to mention that all the AseptSoft exports are cumulative. That means once exported a file, you can open it and edit it freely. Future updates will brin
Page: Export Dialogs to Excel
The tabular Dialogs export is one of the Excel tabular exports containing all the Dialogs of the current Module. image-20231221-073054.png image-20231221-073150.png Columns Name Title Descrip
Page: Export Dialogs to Visio
Press the Upload button on the bottom of the Dialogs window and AseptSoft will automatically create a Visio document with the dialogs. image-20231215-154525.png To visualise the dialog-export relation, we first have a look at the two dialogs we created: i
Page: Export Equipment Modules to Excel
The tabular Equipment Modules export is one of the Excel tabular exports containing all the Equipment Modules of the current Module. image-20231221-072250.png Columns Name Equipment Module Co
Page: Export Parameters and Variables to Excel
The tabular Parameters and Variables export is one of the Excel tabular exports containing all the Parameters and Variables of the current Module. image-20231221-071702.png image-20231221-071
Page: Export Processes
Page: Export Processes to Excel
Export to Excel to generate structured information about the Project. An Excel Export contains all the Information a PDF export can contain, but instead of using a geometrical display to visualize the open and closed valves, we generate tables containing
Page: Export Processes to Excel - Algorithm
The tabular processes export is one of the Excel tabular exports containing the sequence of Conditions of the Algorithm Design for each Phase in a consecutive form for each Process. image-2023
Page: Export Processes to Excel - Standard
The standard export format follows the structure: Each exported Process will produce a complete Excel file (a Workbook) Each Phase within any Process will produce a Worksheet in the Workbook of the Process Export Once you are in the Export Processes to Ex
Page: Export Processes to Excel - Tabular
The tabular processes export is one of the Excel tabular exports containing the States of each Engineering Item, as well as the Configurations of each Equipment Module for each Phase in a tabular form for each Process. Tabular export example with states n
Page: Export Processes to PDF
Export processes as PDF to get the annexes for IQ/OQ documentation. Each PDF will correspond to one Process. Each Phase of that Process will represent one or more pages in that PDF. The Export can be configured using the following window: image-20231215-1


Page: File System
note Note: The Folders in the file system tree are written in Bold. The Files in the file system tree below are written Italic and Underlined. Note: The Folders in the file system tree are written in Bold. The Files in the file system tree below are writt
Page: Find and Replace
The Find and Replace window can be used to find any information in the Module. search for 'd' image-20230113-150822.png Search The Search Results can include all of the information which you can see in the Filterable categories, from Notes, Processes, Win
Page: Flow State
Defines how a pipe or an Engineering Item will look like when the Fluidstream Simulations will bring that Fluid State through it. Example: the flow state ‘water’ a pipe look blue when it passes through it. Also a flow state ‘nitrogen’ will make any pipe l
Page: Fluidstream Simulations
Overlays over your PID design tool to show where the fluid flow would go when starting from Sources and Tanks through the pipes and open valves. It reads the geometry and the neighborhood of the items in your PID to determine where the fluid advances thro



Page: Home Ribbon
image-20230509-105941.png Profile Options The Profile and the Account buttons will open the Login and Subscriptions # window, as well as the other services described at the AddIn Ribbon image-20230509-105951.png Branches Gallery Use the Branches Gallery t


Page: Import/Export Module Data
Exporting the Process Design - Processes and Phases can be easily done using the main export functionalities: Export Processes to Excel, Export Processes to PDF. However, Module Data needs dedicated export functionalities. Here we can see how you can use
Page: Import/Export Templates
Importing and Exporting helps fasten the module data initialization. The main advantage is that you can copy data from any module to another one, as well as saving data templates to initialize the new module directly. Import and export are accessible thro
Page: Index
Page: Instrument
Instruments can be used in the Algorithm Design to build Conditions and Actions. For better visualization, you will always see the instruments mentioned in the active Condition as highlighted in a special colour. Instruments are automatically recognized b
Page: Intelligent Suggestions and Text Highlighting
Intelligent Suggestions Type “pi” searches for “pi” and shows all the Pressure Indicators image-20231215-120341.png Press the Up/Down arrows to select a different suggestion. Press Tab/Enter/Double-click the item to accept and insert the selected suggesti




Page: Login and Subscription
To use AseptSoft you must have an active Subscription. Check out AseptSoft for more information, or contact us to get your license. Once you own an Aseptconn account, you can log in to AseptSoft using the fo


Page: Manual Tracker
It appears in every phase with the same title, but has a manually assigned value in each phase. The user assigns or updates that value. Example: ‘Mentions: Please revise this phase, VP103 seems that it should be open'
Page: Merging
In any module you can bring the changes from any other Module, Template, or Commit. To do so follow the steps simply chose “Update from…” image-20230510-095847.png Select the data source. Refer to the File System to locate the data source: Another module
Page: Module Data
Contains general information which you can use to build up your module. It includes the States, Flow States, Parameters, Variables, Dialogs, Equipment Modules, and Review Sessions. The Module Data includes all the Create, Edit, Remove, Import, Export feat
Page: Module Ribbon
image-20230907-102641.png Module Data image-20230907-105040.png In Module Data you create states, flow states, variables, parameters, dialogs, Equipment Modules and Review Sessions. It is possible to import already created databases from previous module.


Page: Notes
A note is a text object in the PID that has not title structure (no Title: Value), and it appears in only one Phase, or in a whole Process, or in the whole Module. The purpose of the Notes is to place them anywhere in the PID, as the location of a note is
Page: Notes Live Viewer
This window displays all the notes a Module has. To open the window use the “Notes Window” button in the Module Ribbon. image-20231221-152136.png They are live maintained, so creating, editing and deleting notes will reflect in this window instantly. imag



Page: P&IDs and Modules
One Host Project can contain more P&IDs. The associated AseptSoft Project will include all the P&IDs included in the Host Project. Each AseptSoft Module can spawn to include some of the Project P&IDs. To modify the Modules ↔︎ P&IDs connection, follow the
Page: Parameter
A Parameter represents a nickname for a value that is commonly used for Algorithm formulas in one or more Processes. There is no necessity to have Parameters if you use the values you need directly into the Formulas. But that would be a bad practice as an
Page: PID Components
(instruments, sources, engineering items, trackers, notes, etc) PID Components are all the items that can show up on a PID, that AseptSoft handles. Here in the Core Documentation you find general definitions about these, but look for the Integration with
Page: PID Shape Components
They represent all the PID Components that can be controlled by AseptSoft to control their look according to the Process design. They can be: Engineering Items - Valves, Tanks, Filters Instruments Sources
Page: PID Text Components
They are used to display relevant information as text in each Phase and Process. A PID Text Component is usually created with and by AseptSoft, and has a constant location in the PID, and will stay there from one session to another. The text for the edita
Page: Process Design - Processes and Phases
Process A Process is a sequence of actions over a plant with a desired final result. In AseptSoft each Process can be created as a sequence of Phases. Each Process will span over all the P&IDs that the parent Module includes. Classical examples of process
Page: Productivity



Page: Review Session Ribbon
This ribbon is the control point for Review Sessions. image-20231222-104842.png It has the following Panels: Session image-20231222-104923.png Review Manager opens the Completing and Reopening Session Window for Review Sessions. Leave session will close t
Page: Review Sessions
A review session is a process of recapitulating the entire process with the purpose to finally validate it. In this process changing requests can come in the way, for which purpose Conversations are implemented. To access the Review Sessions functionality
Page: Ribbons
In AutoCAD you can control AseptSoft using a set of Ribbons which integrate natively with the host platform.


Page: Software Updates
AseptSoft is versioned using the following form: Major.Minor.Revision.Build You can configure how you want AseptSoft to self-update when a new version is available. image-20230113-154523.png The “On major updates” setting will affect updates to any newer
Page: Source
Sources represent the origin of the Fluidstream Simulations. Unlike Engineering Items, Sources don’t color from a State, they color from a Flow State, and it is universal regardless the active phase. A source will always be powered on and will constantly
Page: State
Defines how an Engineering Item can look and behave in a Phase where it features this state. Example: the state ‘open’ makes a valve look green, and tells us that any fluid will reach one side of the valve will continue on the other side as well. As well
Page: Status Editor
Advances State changes to easier the Process Design can be found using the Status Editor Window. Locate this window in the Module Ribbon image-20231221-152312.pngimage-20231221-153638.png The status editor has three features: Edit Mode image-20231221-1537


Page: Tabular Attributes
When attributes belonging to multiple items are available for visualization and editing, we can encounter the tabular form, where each item has its attributes on a row. Phases collection attributes as tabular form image-20230910-193913.png Use the bottom
Page: Targeted Tracker
(tracks Process name, Phase index, etc automatically, and does not need to be edited by the user) Lively displays some module information, and it updates itself automatically with that information. It can show the following information: User Branch Active
Page: Trackers
Trackers are Text Components in the PID which have a Title which is universal in each phase, and a Value which can be different from phase to phase. This Title-Value structure looks like Title: Value and by editing it into a form new title: new value will


Page: Undo Redo
Most of the units of work can be Undone and Redone in AseptSoft. This can be done using the Undo and Redo buttons in the Module Ribbon image-20231221-163329.png The Undo Redo offers an unlimited-size undo-redo stack which can contain any of the following


Page: Validation
Validation is the Process of marking individual validatable entities as valid under the current form. Validatable entities are: Processes Phases Algorithm Design Conditions Engineering Items State and Percentage in each Phase The validation remains as lon
Page: Variable
A Variable represents a nickname for a value that needs to be Saved during a Process for later use. Example: the variable ‘T01 fluid Qty’ represents the number of liters T01 has just been filled with. IF you want later to fill T02 with exactly the same qt
Page: Version Control






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